jueves, 22 de abril de 2010

Jimmy´s Trash Island


“Jimmy hurry up, we are going to be late to Alicia’s birthday party!” said Jimmy’s mom
“I don’t wan to go. I hate birthday parties and I hate Alicia!” said Jimmy
“Jimmy don’t be such a brat! We are going whether you like it or not!” said Jimmy’s mom
“No!” Jimmy said
Jimmy didn’t feel like going to the party, he had gone to three birthday parties in a row. Since Jimmy was being mean, his mother, decided to ground him and not take him to any more parties that month. After a while of being alone in his room Jimmy got bored. So he tied up all of his blankets and curtains and threw them out the window. He climbed down the blankets and ran away. He grabbed his bike and decided to ride it around the city.
As he was riding around town,he saw a blank peace of paper someone had just thrown out of a bus window,and so he took it and stared at it for a while and thought...
“What will I do with this piece of paper,I know! I’ll make a boat, and i will sail the seas to my own world where there is no birthday parties and no mothers.”

So he sailed the sea for 2 days and finally he found a place to rest. Jimmy was so tired he fell asleep immediately.
The next day, he woke up and found the island full of garbage! It was terrible!
He was so upset, he had to do something about it!
Along the shore Jimmy saw something... it was getting close to him, he didn’t know what it was... So he hid in his boat because he didn’t know what it was.
The thing got closer and closer and suddenly two big round enormous eyes popped out it was a strange creature, but Jimmy was brave and went to talk to him.

“What are you? What do you want?” said Jimmy
“Hi, im Piggletoe and i don’t want anything... But i do need something.”
“umm Piggletoe, thats a weird name, what do you need?” said Jimmy
“i need your help, to clean this island because its hurting me, my family and my friends and all the fish that we eat dosent come bake because of all the trash in the ocean”said Piggletoe
“Oh Piggletoe i see that, and i will help you! Im Jimmy by the way” said Jimmy
“Great! thank you so much!” said Piggletoe
“we will put all the garbage in my boat so,when i go back home I’ll take it to the recycling center in my town I will teach you how to recycle because if you keep contaminating your environment you could despair ” said Jimmy
“ok then I’ll tell my family and friends to help us” said Piggletoe.

“Ok first we have to wash all the plastic bottles from the glass and the organics from the trash and the paper from the aluminium"
“Ok, but as soon as we finish I have to go back home, because I have to apologize mom and go to a party” said Jimmy
So Piggletoe and his friends and family did as Jimmy said and they put the all the garbage in Jimmy’s boat and they also learned how to recycle and now they didn't trow the garbage out they also learned to built things out of it like houses and buildings and so jimmy was happy and left the island with all the thrash on his boat as soon as h got home he apologized to his mother and the went to to Alicia's birth day and never again he could go to trash town but he knew he had a friend named Piggletoe that could keep the same island from trash...

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